Horned Archons are essentially the frontiersmen of celestials. Their equipment, and to a certain extent their spell list, makes them uniquely suited for exploration. Their aesthetic fits into it as well, and if you're playing in Golarion, also has a pretty straightforward resemblance to a certain god, which you may want to explore...
In combat, despite their ranged weapons, these beefy bois make for phenomenal tanks; not only do they do great at area denial via ranged retributive strikes, but they also possess one of the few rare abilities that force enemies to target them.
Out of combat, they come with a slew of interdimensional travel and hunting-related abilities as well as a phenomenally thematic power that lets them take on others' wounds, healing in the process.
- Nemanja
Hook 1 (Max) - The Timber Baron
Lumberjacks of the local barony are refusing to go into the woods on the grounds that they are being hunted by some self-proclaimed protector of the forest. It would be easy to dismiss said claims if not for the fact that half a dozen of them have indeed vanished within the weald.
The baron is understandably angry at this and has issued a bounty on the monster's head—a hefty one at that.
Interestingly enough, the attacks began shortly after the baron ordered an increase in timber production for his war efforts. This was met with considerable pushback from local scholars that argued the forest mustn't be destroyed, lest the baron wishes to face the consequences.
Hook 2 (Nemanja) - Watcher Upon the Gate
Douvek Doulek is a dimension-hopping fey-touched thief and conman.
Astras is a horned archon, rumoured to be the only living person to have ever found Doulek's base of operations—though, for reasons unknown, he spared the fugitive.
Should one seek help from the celestial, however, they will find him preoccupied. 'tis the season of nether drake migrations from the Lower Planes, and archons do not have a moment's respite. He will remain as such—unless someone were to help guard his post on Heavens' Golden Gates...
Hook 3 (TJ) - Dourwood Dilemma
The Huntsman of the Dourwood is rarely seen. A spirit of benevolence and protection, the Huntsman provides for those that become lost within.
Recently, The Huntsman has been occupied chasing a barbazu around the treetops. Woodcutters and foragers have reported hearing rustling and seeing displaced foliage in the canopy of the forest.
Unbeknownst to The Huntsman, he does not chase a single barbazu, but rather a small group who take advantage of the dense foliage and rapid teleportation they are capable of in order to lead the Huntsman in circles. They are biding their time, waiting for someone to become lost. When the opportunity arises, the barbazu will descend upon the distracted archon in order to take the Dour Wood for themselves.
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