Monday, June 7, 2021


Generally, The Fey are well suited to serve as a reminder that the world the players occupy is one of extremes. Pathfinder 2e is, after all, a ruleset of extremes. Super powerful heroes of mythic proportions, beasts of abject evil, and avatars of total obedience to the laws of nature or man are all present within the game. Fey creatures exemplify these extremist tendencies in numerous ways, and the grig is no different.

The Grig is willing to confront that which it may know it cannot defeat. Be ye ally or enemy, a grig is more than willing to put itself in harm's way regardless of the difficulty or danger in the task. This is a great way to emphasize that some things are beyond reasoning with, particularly the ever-changing yet staunchly stubborn fey.

The Grig's signature ability Fiddle is a touch silly, though it is emblematic of what makes the fey truly alien. They do not abide by the normal behaviors attributed to mortals. Should you be one that a grig deems a threat, they can prove more a threat than one might guess as they are one of the few level one creatures with both a ranged attack and a fly speed. For this reason, the grig is quite the harrying force against ill-prepared foes, as they can blast dissonant notes down at foes that are stuck on the ground, well out of reach of the nastiest melee adversaries. With added spells such as glitterdust and invisibility, they can be quite the annoyance even for a level 3 or 4 party.

Do not underestimate the noble grig and consider the creative ways its flaws may be used to your narrative or tactical advantage.

Hook 1 (TJ) - Prison of Amber

While wandering a local curio shop, their collection of insects trapped in amber piques your interest. A frozen gallery of scorpions, spiders, and dragonflies stares back at you, their last moments taken millennia ago as the tree sap encased them. An odd-looking cricket at the back of this anachronistic menagerie catches your eye. A closer examination reveals that this 'cricket' has a humanoid body attached to its insectoid abdomen, complete with miniature clothing and armaments. As you pick it up, the eyes of this creature turn to look at you, almost pleading. Startled, you drop the amber, shattering the prison of golden resin. The creature coughs and chirps before hopping up onto the table next to you, attempting to communicate its thanks in a tongue long forgotten by time and men.

Hook 2 (Nemanja) - The Fey Knight Company

The Locusts are a mercenary company with a nasty reputation... composed entirely of a swarm of graveknight grigs.

Several generations of grigs ago (which is perhaps... a decade, in human measurements) a small enclave of grigs made a pact with a dark entity in exchange for the power to fight the greatest threats.

The company has grown to a considerable size since then, comprised of smiths to produce new armor, dedicated bagpipe dirge players, and elite soldiers who live and die for the Cause. The Cause, of course, is to find the biggest, most evil creature to stick their toothpick-sized claymores in.

Unfortunately, their effectiveness is becoming their downfall. As evil creatures are wiped out one by one, the pool of enemies they consider worthy further dwindles. Driven by their accursed bloodlust, they are beginning to pick fights with the wrong targets.

Hook 3 (Reece) - Twisting Hearts

Candar the Eye has long watched over the village of Beidar as its fey protector. Their reverence for the Lavender King is commendable, as with each year they pay the proper respect due to the Fey King that saved their progenitors a great many centuries ago from the firestorms and floods of the last cataclysm.

An ancient enemy has long eyed the settlement as it is rife with sorcerous blood well suited for the creation of powerful fey thralls, twisted creatures of occultic and primal magics used to enact the will of their masters.

When one member of the coven that serves The Court of Dark Hearts cuts off the gateway back into The Fey, Candar finds himself facing off alone against the coven and his own enslaved brethren, corrupted grigs who seek to break the minds of men and turn them to the evils of the fey court. He knows this task is far beyond his ability and reveals himself to the locals so that he might seek their aid against the forces that have begun to corrupt the very heart of the town.

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