Tuesday, June 1, 2021


Reading the gogiteth's flavour text along with its stats feels quite incongruous. It's essentially described as a powerful pest, but it is a staggering level 12 creature, meaning it can't be treated as trivial until the PCs hit level 15.

This oddity means you can do several things with it it. You can reflavour it to fit your story, which is never a bad option honestly. You can come up with a reason to fight a solo gogiteth, and give your lower-level PCs a pretty tough fight. Or you can embrace its status as a pest and throw swarms of these at your demigod party, reminding them how far they've come when a disturbed and powerful aberration is cannon fodder to them. The last option is my personal preference here, as the creature's abilities make it feel like a nuisance rather than as an epic boss-level fight.

Hook 1 (Max) - The Hungering Fortress

The city of Blackwode has three very distinct problems at the moment.
First is the plague that struck seemingly out of nowhere and is taking heavy toll on the populace; many districts have already been isolated due to the outbreak. Nothing it couldn't manage normally, as its denizens are countless.

This is, however, where the second issue arises, taking the form of attacks made by swathes of humanoid abominations that leave heaps of dead soldiers and civilians in their wake, littering the streets and ruins. The monsters climb, jump, or fly over the walls and descend upon the city with ferocity, killing dozens and vanishing thereafter before anyone can properly react. Armed patrols were organized, but they simply aren't enough.

This is mostly due to the third problem - in the dark hours of night, clambering, spider-like monstrosities make their way into the town and take the corpses away with them. Should they stumble upon living people, the unfortunate souls are taken away screaming, off into the darkness. The beasts are covered in dark, makeshift plate, as though the force driving them forward does not want them to be damaged.

Why would that be?

That is because, unbeknownst to the people of Blackwode, there is a fourth matter at hand. Deep in the woods from which the city was given name, something sinister is taking shape. It began as a single black stone and a handful of animals turned to ravenous beasts, alongside a few of the spider-things. Alas, it has now taken the form of a towering black fortress whose armies grow stronger with every captured man, woman or child. With each corpse fed to the entity, its malevolent obsidian walls rise higher, driven by some unspeakable hunger.

Hook 2 (TJ) - Chasms of Consequence

The duergar of the Deep Chasms are growing bolder. There have been many earthquakes as of late, and it seems that with each shockwave they grow increasingly desperate. Their slaving parties have come to the surface well equipped to capture the best fighters the elven nation of Sel'filas can field. The duergar slavers are almost apologetic. Each party of slavers explains in broken elven that the svirfneblin earthcatchers have grown heedless of the repercussions of their excavation efforts. The tectonic shift releases a new hive of shambling, creaking, spider-like monstrosities upon duergar lands with each quake. The elven warriors are promised their freedom in exchange for helping with the menace, but nations neighboring Sel'filas on the surface are beginning to sense their weakness...

Hook 3 (Nemanja) - Chasin' Charon

Charon, the dreaded boatman, has abandoned his post for an unknown reason. The hunting party sent after him must trek through a multitude of deadly regions of the underworld. One of these terrible places is known only as the Swallower Swamp.

The damp wetland is not only riddled with sulfurous geysers that erupt at random intervals, it is also home to a massive colony of striders; lithe-bodied mutates of gogiteths who have evolved the nasty ability to walk on the surface of water...

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