Monday, June 21, 2021


Hobgoblins love conflict, their entire culture revolves around it. Out of all goblinoids, they are easily the most cunning and threatening in battle. This is exactly why they can be used to great effect, reminding your party that there are no "low-level" enemies, only those who don't use their full potential. Sure, a single goblin doesn't pose a threat, nor do ten goblins alone. If they work in tandem, though, coordinating between themselves while thinking strategically, suddenly they become far more threatening.

This is where hobgoblins come into play; they are better organized than their kin and live, in many cases, solely for the purpose of waging war. Again, a single hobgoblin may not be a serious threat, but when fighting in a bigger group (as they should), they very well might be.

This is mirrored by the ability that all hobgoblins present in the bestiary share, Formation, which can increase the survivability of any gobbo. This is perhaps the most important thing to keep in mind when using hobgoblins—they work best as a unit. The General can play a significant role at the start of a battle, with General's Cry, a good way to set a primary target for their soldiers, but The General can also dish out a reasonable amount of damage as needed. Soldiers serve as the frontline, dealing less damage at level one, though they can soak up damage and create space for their back-line allies. Consider applying the elite adjustment to soldiers if you need to beef them up a touch against a tougher party. Archers can really ruin the day for any party who does not consider their positioning wisely. Their kit makes them the perfect hit-and-run enemy, given their movement and reload capabilities in addition to above-average precision against effects like cover and concealment. When you combine all three of them, you get yourself one nasty encounter. If they get the jump on the party and set themselves in a favorable position, life and death can easily be on the line.

- Max

Hook 1 (Max) - Rotbag's Horde

Rotbag Iron Mandible has earned the respect he commands from countless battles and duels, the most famous of which cost him the lower part of his face and earned him the moniker. Now, he only communicates via sign language, not that it impedes any of his plans.

And these plans are grand in scale indeed. He has already succeeded in uniting most goblinoid communities in the area, now boasting a considerable force under him. Before setting out further, he has set his sights on the cities that lay nearby.

He is not stupid; he knows that his army wouldn't stand a chance in a fair fight, as goblins are prone to routing and are not particularly disciplined, while hobgoblins tend to lose themselves in battle. Hence, he won't risk an open battle if he's not sure of the outcome. He can allow himself the comfort of patience as provisions are seldom a problem with the army.

Innumerable warbands scour the plains, attacking caravans and transports, leaving no trace behind. His stealthiest and best soldiers infiltrate the settlements at night, poisoning wells and food supplies, setting fire to buildings, killing people in charge, getting rid of mages and miracle workers in addition to any other important people. Sew chaos. Disorient the enemy.

Eventually, people grow tired and weary, leaving the town that is in complete disrepair, hoping for a better future. Sometimes in big groups, more often than not in small ones. Those are the easiest to pick.

When towns are decimated by disease, fire, and anarchy, Rotbag strikes with his full might. Typically the fight is quick and his horde takes very few casualties, which they don't really mind given the incredible spoils; many slaves, valuables, and another new stronghold for the army that grows ever bigger by the day, as more and more troops join it, arriving from far off lands.

Hook 2 (TJ) - The Story of Scars

The Timbermen of Rowefront are a proud bunch. They are willing to make a game or a show of anything. Feats of strength, tests of speed, challenges of wit, these and many others feature prominently in any and all of their social gatherings. The thing the Timbermen are most proud of, however, are their scars. Adventurers are generally treated with contempt in Rowefront. Not only do they generally bring trouble, but their reliance on supernatural, magical healing sources reduces the marks and marring of their skin. 

This contempt first started when Salmaracakanzz (colloquially known as "Sawbones Sal") moved into Rowefront. An expert surgeon, Sal's ideas of the beauty of scars and the stories they tell alongside a general mistrust of "elf magic" spread quickly to the Timbermen. Now, the comparing of scars and the stories that go with them feature just as prominently any time the Timbermen get together.

Hook 3 (Nemanja) - Bear Witness, Bring Wrath

While most hobgoblins use their ruthless minds to dominate militaristic structures of power, Globrech of Ganthia became a master merchant instead.

Ten years ago, he owned but a single alchemical shop. Now, his wealth runs deep enough that most of Tarabath is in his pocket. That's become an issue since there's an obscure Tarabathi law that states "Should anyone come to own more than half of the land in the city, the title of Doge is to pass to him".

As the day of the ceremony comes ever closer, the old doge's librarian digs up another law written when the city was founded: "Should at least thirteen men or women of age produce credible evidence against a citizen's honour, said citizen shall forever be banned from holding public office in Tarabath".

Of course, finding those willing to testify against the most powerful man in the city is going to involve a lot of stealth, subterfuge, and encouragement.

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