Friday, January 31, 2020


One of the things I've wanted to mention about running games, and that many folks seem to consider sacrilege, is that originality in tabletop gaming is a futile goal. While the idea that all fiction is derivative may be a bit too harsh, using well-known tropes is  - in my experience - an easy way to engage players. And believe me, players will enjoy your "OH NO GOBLINS ARE STEALING CHILDREN" scenario more then your "but what if we're actually the bad guys, also here's an act five genre swap, also a cynical commentary on contemporary middle-eastern politics" if you take the time to make the story approachable, which I'd argue is easier to do on solid ground.
So anyway, to push this idea forward, I've purposely been borrowing from pop-culture a lot in these adventure seeds, and I just thought it'd be fitting to acknowledge in the entry dealing with King-Kong Megaprimatus.
(for those of you at home counting, so far we've referenced Ghost Rider, Dota 2, Jacques Cousteau, I robot, and we're obviously not gonna miss the opportunity to do magical planet of the apes today)

The year is 1492 a.r.a (afer the rise of Apes) and a desperate chronomancer working for the Human Resistance Movement has a wild idea. The diviners have identified the time and place where the Druid god Mahamajmun awoke the first gorilla, placing it in Altrakhan, a great human metropolis, and the idea is to send a handpicked group of specialists back through time to stop it.
When the group does arrive, though, they're shocked to fin out that the local populace doesn't seem to realize the threat they are about to face - in fact, the city seems to treat the great apes as some sort of sacred animal.
As the Simian Confederacy's motto "Apes Together Strong" keeps ringing in their ears, the time-travelers must find a way to show the truth to the arrogant, pre-ape humans.

When the orkish vikings under Urgnald Zugnaldson arrived on the wild island of Angaztura, they did what any ork would do - found the biggest predator in the land, and killed it as a trophy. While the beast was a worthy opponent, it quickly became apparent that it was the only thing controlling the island's population of River Drakes under control. While slaughtering the serpentine monsters by the dozen was good fun for a while, it quickly became apparent that the Orks simply do not have the manpower to protect all their settlements. Now, their shamans must send them to the Emerald Lands, a dream realm in which all great beasts of the multiverse dwell, to bring back a new giant ape and restore balance to the island's natural cycle.

The spirit gorillas of the Nurg'natt jungle are rumored to be more than just mere apes. As the myths surrounding them go, if threatened by an opponent they can't defeat or chase away with their displays of strength, three or more of these albino gorillas can link hands, and them bond, combining into a single great white ape. Local custom has it that in that form, the gorillas are an avatar of a jungle spirit known as Rex Rox. 

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Annis hag

A single night hag is a problem.
A night hag with a coven though, is a problem you run away from.

I'm not going to go into much detail about what you can do with unlimited 5th level spells and 3 casters - you'll probably be able to come up with several ideas yourself. If you want to be pedantic, though, do note that unlike other hags, the night or iron hags tend to like getting up close and personal, and their cold iron claws can shred most characters into pieces fairly quickly.

The city of Freda is ruled by the Immortal Triumvirate, a coven consisting of two green hags and a mighty night hag. While the High Order of Shimmerstone had previously excommunicated the entire population of the city, the odd glory-seeking paladin was never a match for the Triumvirate. Unfortunately, the Order of the Shimmerstone somehow secured an alliance with the Dark Inquisition - a coven of three Iron Hags who specialize in hunting other hags as well as fae-folk.
When the inquisitors arrive to Freda, they demand that the Triumvirate surrender themselves before nightfall, or the population of the town will be cut down one by one. As the sun sets with the Immortal Triumvirate apparently in hiding, the town once looks to a retired group of adventurers, now running a tavern, and asks for their help one last time.

A mysterious entity known only as "The Corpse Bride" has haunted the Saviours of Gwinshire for months - sending grizzly trophies from many of the locales they visit. The first such trophy was a fresh-cut dwarven hand, bearing the distinct tattoos of the Bearbeard clan, whom the heroes helped only recently. None of the "presents" that arrived afterwards were any less disturbing.
When the group arrives at the Unibrow Unicorn tavern, a letter is waiting for them, and in it, only the addresses of their families and the all-too-familiar signature of the Corpse Bride. Disturbingly, the bartender can't seem to remember the identity of whomever delivered the letter.

The Beaux twins, Simone and Lauren have known that they're changelings for a few years. Despite that, they remain adamant in their duties as Paladins of the Order of the Everblooming Erigeron. They know their call is coming, and as it looms ever closer, they call in an old favour owed to them by a trusted druid associate. The druid and her merry band of outcasts must use any means short of outright lethal force on the Paladins to stop them from falling, and in the worst-case scenario, this might even mean slaying the twins' Annis Hag mother.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020


Not much can be said about ankylosauri, is there? They're big friggin dinos and they are as awesome as all dinos, arent they?

In the primal land of Sin Darya, humans live alongside multiple species of mighty dinosaurs. Up until recently, the humans tended to avoid the larger dinosaurs and hunt the smaller ones. In some of the proto-states, dinousaur taming and husbandry has recently begun to take root. At first, the Skagen hunters gained an edge, hunting alongside their trusted raptors. Their supremacy was quickly brought to an end, though, as the Brughal Khanate unleashed the full might of their Ankylosaurus riders upon the world. Right now, the only force that has any chance of standing against the Khan is the six young masters of the elements, but their training is far from complete.

The latest trend in the Sole Earthen Republic is miniaturized versions of great beasts from the earth's long gone eras. Because the safe version of the process requires a stable source of magic and careful technomagical configuration, its expensive as hell and beyond the grasp of anyone but the families of the multi-trillionaire hegemons of Earth. The market, however, is teeming with bootleg attempts to create micro-beasts. Most of these have easily noticeable flaws and are generally easy to avoid. However, a recent batch of tiny ankilousauri that revert to their original size when agitated has the city of New Constantinople in disarray, and the fresh batch of  the Magihazard Detainment Organisation recruits at the edge of their nerves.

Saurian tradition has it that the world is a wide disc supported in vast nothingness on the back of a giant ankylosaurus by the name of Agnekho. While most young saurians take the legends with a grain of salt, none can argue that the Ffogdanob twins, shamans in the employ of the Scaled Prince, have gained great power ever since supposedly meeting Agnekho in one of their vision-questing seances. When the twins invite the newly-arrived warmbloods into one of their seances, an honour they had repeatedly denied the Prince himself, the petty ruler calls a blood-hunt against the hated mammals. If they last the night, there is no saying what they may discover - but survival will not come easily.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


The skittering, insectile monstrosity that is the Ankhrav comes in two varieties - the base monster, and the larger, meaner hive mother.

After reclaiming the Angkol fortress from the drow, the Shattered Mount Dwarves found the surrounding hills had become infested with ankhravs. In the years since, the dwarven hunters have developed a style of fighting that utilizes no armor whatsoever, as ankhrav acid tends to make heavy suits dead weight. If the curious foreigners want to access the famed Angkol Archive, rumored to be the only place in the world where one can find texts written by the Dark Elves, they'll need to impress the dwarf elders - and there is no better way to do it than by beating a dreaded hive mother in single combat, equipped with nothing but a trusty weapon.

Lumberg Hill has a problem. While all ankhravs tend to go into a frenzy in the presence of a Hive Mother, Lumberg Hill ankhravs seem to be stuck in in perpetually. Farmlands on the outskirts of the settlement are quickly becoming unusable, as maddened beasts keep digging tunnels, attacking anything on sight (in almost no cases stopping to consume their kills) or spewing acid in the midst of crops. The town's authorities are offering a small fortune to anyone who can stop the rampage, but the town's wizard is offering to double it if the mystery of how the perpetual frenzy happened is also solved.

Master Gerardo is a rare sight in the Republic of Eire in the modern times of the late 18th century - a true druid. He is also wanted by both the regular and the magical police - for countless misdemeanors, mostly publicly and theatrically opposing the inevitable progress of the industrial revolution.
A friend and occasional co-conspirator of Gerardo's has come to the Chef Street Private Investigators' office asking for help. Apparently, Gerardo has somehow managed to tame an entire hive of ankhravs - previously considered extinct - and plans to release them all in the city's biggest tannery. While the concerned party fears the unnecessary deaths such a plan would cause, they do not want to involve police, as it would almost certainly end up in a life sentence for the druid master.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Animated object

The animated object "family" of creatures comes with four examples in the bestiary - from the lowly animated broom, to the genre classics animated armor and statue, and finishing off with the giant version of the latter. Of course, the possibility for creating countless others exists within the framework of the game - its a simple matter of using the right ritual.
As opponents, animated objects aren't exactly the type of encounter you'd base your around - they work best as simple obstacles or even mere "set dressing".

The king's new bride kept complaining about how unclean the castle was - and a group of gremlins heard her. While never gentle and always mischievous, the gremlins have lived in the castle for generations, and had a special fondness for the young king. They immediately took a dislike to the new queen. Seeing their opportunity, they stole every single broom in the kingdom, and then promptly animated all of them in the middle of the castle. The King's guests are led on a wild hunt for the tiny tricksters, through the nooks and crannies of the labyrinthine castle, but if they find out the impossibly beautiful queen's dark secret, they may yet side with the gremlins in antagonizing her.

The megalopolis of Petroskin has a huge necromancer problem. To deal with it, the Maple Hill Cemetery uses a large number of animated statues. These statues remain immobile during the day, but as soon as night falls they start patrolling the graveyard. To distinguish the animated and regular statues, the sculptors sculpt their own faces onto the animated ones.
Recently, however, there have been several disappearances among the cemetery staff. What is more, a rumor is starting about a mysterious huge statue starting to appear from time to time. For some reason, unlike the other statues, the huge one appears to have a completely blank and featureless face.

Sir Flavio's school of the highest art of the rapier is a rather prestigious school of fencing. As part of the mind-numbingly expensive deal, after finishing the course, students are given a an animated suit of armor, loaded with the commands for basic fencing practice, with the idea that no real fencer ever stops honing his skills. A week ago, however, a high-profile assassination was pulled off - one of the school's armors was somehow replaced with one with the instruction to murder the student's rich father as soon as it was delivered.
Sir Flavio has reason to believe that the assassins will try again, and inspectors he hired now have a hard task ahead of them - decide which of the ten remaining constructs were planted by the assassins, but preferably do so without damaging any others.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Alghollthu Master (Aboleth)

The aboleth, now called the Alghollthu masters, are back, and boy are they back in style. While their stat block makes it quite easy to use them in direct combat, where it really shines is leading up to it - with a wide array of high-level illusion spells, most of them at will, the abloleth can give the adventurers hell before they even know what they are facing.

The wizard Jack Custard has been keeping a chained Aboleth in a huge pool beneath his tower. He decides to let in his proteges, the crew of the drakar Mother's Mercy in on the secret - his recent expeditions into the ocean have been fueled by the mucus collected from the huge monster, allowing him to breathe underwater.
However, when the jolly pirates see the mighty aberration, it uses its mind magicks to show them how it's been captured and treated by the wizard. It paints a cruel and insensitive picture of their beloved patron, but not implausible - after all, the crew do know him to be very ambitious and power-hungry. Are they really giving a chance to a disgusting monster, or is this the famed deep magick gnawing at their beliefs?

When the incursions of water elementals from the realm of the mysterious Deep King abruptly ceased, the elf-viziers of Al-Khazadia were relieved. However, after several weeks passed, the viziers grew curious, and a detachment of scouts was sent to those ancient lands. What they reported was a land where nothing was as it seems - apparently solid rock bridges disappearing into thin air as soon as someone tried to cross them, innocent children turning into gaunt and fleshy monstrosities, and heaps of treasure reverting back to stones and dirt just as the traps behind them are activated.
The surviving scouts refuse to go back even under threat of death.
Still, the khazadi Sultan will not rest until he has proof that the Deep King has truly been vanquished, so he gathers daredevils and desparates and sends them deep into the heart of madness.

A hunting party set up camp on the shore of Lake Albonga, ignoring the wise elder's warnings. When they wake up, the little patch of land they had cleared for themselves is now a tiny island, and water surrounding them is rising fast, threatening to drown them all. A tentacled monstrosity emerges from the lake, offering to save their lives, if they each promise to grant it a favor with no questions asked.
What the hunters don't know is that while the monster is real, the rising tide is an illusion, and the Aboleth is using it to force them into submission.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Alchemical Golem

While by no means the toughest or meanest golem in the bestiary (its the second lowest level of the bunch, outclassing only the flesh golem), the alchemical golem might actually be the toughest one to prepare for.
With the potential to dish out six different types of damage, its nigh impossible to set up defenses against it. Fighting one should feel wild, chaotic and unpredictable, and should keep both players and player characters on their toes. The fact that while rare, these golems do become sentient, can also be used in many, many ways...

The order of the Last Light has outlawed both the technomancers and the necromancers. Banding together, they have repurposed several Alchemical Golems by filling their vials with ghoul fever and zombie rot. If the decree outlawing them isn't revoked by dawn of the next day, they threaten to release these necrotic constructs in the poorest slums of the city, killing thousands in a matter of hours. Luckily, a certain young thief has information about where the scholar controlling the golems is hiding, but getting to him wont be easy...

Bjørn Bloodsplat was an alchemist who heard the stories of alchemical golems attaining true consciousness, and tried to replicate such an occurence. His experiment went a little too well though - BB-769 not only ended up with a personality, it ended up with six of them. Depending on the balance of chemicals in its many vials, it may try to murder, negotiate with, or preach to the envoys sent to recruit it.

Lucas Longly was a dwarven merchant and dabbler in the arcane, who among other things left an alchemical golem as heirloom to his progeny. A hundred and fifty years later, Lucas's grandson Yucas is in need of such a construct. There are several complications though - the cave in which the dormant golem is located has become infested with dire bats, who could easily shatter the delicate glass dome adorning the golem. What is more, dire bats have recently been pronounced an endangered species, meaning that anyone involved in harming them would need to pay quite high a fee. The specialists on Yucas's payroll will need to get creative.


Friday, January 24, 2020

Adamantine golem

The biggest, meanest entry in the golem family so far, an adamantine golem is a high-tier threat. It is rare and and expensive to create, that the mere creation of one should be an event of epic proportions. Its' high CR and insanely powerful abilities make it a great choice for a campaign-ending encounter.

Fifteen years ago, king Fulchrist sold his crown to the people of Stadia, turning it into a republic, and then mysteriously disapeared. Now he's back, riding on the shoulders of an an adamantine golem, and is threatening to destroy his old capital, unless the council gifts him The Elder Sword.
However, The Elder sword is the last known vorpal sword in the nine realms - supposedly the only weapon able to bring down an adamantine golem. As betrayal and backstabbing erupts among the councilmen, it is up to the newly appointed Chamber Guard to decide the fate of the republic.

When the Burntooth tribe discovered a giant metal man in the depths of their caves, they did what any sane goblin would do - they set it on fire and then promptly ran away.
After discovering that the thing is now awake, and will not harm them as long as they keep it supplied with a steady stream of fire and explosives, the Burntooths have quickly become the leading force in the Emerald Woods. As reports of them becoming bolder and luring the golem towards dryad outposts in the woods are becoming more and more frequent, it is only a matter of time before they set their sight on the undefended elven capital of Llewyth, and the green elders are offering the breath of eternal life to anyone who can put down that technological travesty.

The march of the machines is the local name given to a weird technomagical phenomenon on the world of Dunia. Namely, from the foothills of Gryffon mount, up to the entrance to the Gilded Caverns a thousand leagues northeast, there is always a never-ending line of adamantine golems, or forgewalkers as they are locally known. The golems are docile most of the time, but any attempts to break their line or sneak into the beginning or end points of their journey are met with swift resistance. Recently, however, golems with new designs have started appearing - some sporting antlers, others with intricate engravings across their bodies, and even a rare few whose internal forges seem to be glowing with blue fire. The Shimmerhammer clan of dwarves is launching a mining expedition that will dig through to the core of the mountain to once and for all solve the mystery, and they are anyone capable and mad enough to acompany them on the journey.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Aasimar Redeemer

Our first entry comes with some interesting baggage - aasimars are neither traditionally associated with "evil" acts, nor are they mindless monsters that can be thrown at players as random encounters with little after thought.

While we could hand wave something like that, I'd consider that a lazy and cowardly way out. In the following seeds, we will try to focus on what makes the angelic aasimars tick, while allowing for player character meddling to take its course

Angewyn Goldeye is a respected inquisitor and mage hunter, notorious among those willing to bend magic to their selfish wills for her apparent imperviousness to any spell, charm or ritual directed at her.
However, Angewyn's recent retreat from public life is secretly due to the fact that she mysteriously lost her ability to shrug off spells. She must now place her trust in a group of strangers collected from the citadel-city's underbelly, and hope that they can find a cure before her many enemies find her...

When the Faithful Five are convicted of the misdeeds they know to be the acts of the Hollow Hill Necromancer, an ugly conclusion becomes obvious - the secret identity of their nemesis, that they had been trying to figure out for months, is indeed their patron, Padre Imogen, the fair haired priest of the Holy Hearth.

While all Aasimars can force foes to feel their sins, Sir Jonathan Inferno is on a whole new level. For some reason, he can not only make sinners remember what they had done, but make them burn with pain as they realize the full extent of their actions. Fearing for their well-being, the Dukes of The Seven Isles offer a hefty sum to any adventurers willing to put Sir Jonathan down, as his trail of bodies leads him ever closer to their castles.

A warm welcome

You're here, on beastfinder blog. You're into Pathfinder 2, or pen&paper RPGs in general, somebody sent you the link to this thing, and you're wondering what the hell it's supposed to be.

What it is not some great new idea. It is, in fact, a highly unoriginal idea, transplanted to a somewhat new niche - this will be a pathfinder 2 version of the long-standing, pathfinder 1 oriented blog called the daily bestiary.
Essentially, for the next several months (or possibly years, if Paizo's schedule ends up quicker than mine, which is highly plausible) i will be alphabetically going through the Pathfinder 2 Bestiary (and possibly subsequent bestiaries as well) and posting 3 adventure seeds for each of the creatures contained within, designed to be an inspiration or perhaps even starting point for your games.
If time permits, my schedule will be once per day, possibly with one day off - but, of course, this is merely the start of our journey with this blog.

For concerns of both legal and creative nature, this blog will not contain any setting specific text, nor will it reference the rules directly - though I'll probably link to archives of Nethys for your convenience - however, I do highly suggest getting your own copies of both the core rulebook and the bestiary, as both are high-quality products that I (obviously) fully endorse.

Best wishes, and good luck to you as well to as me, Nemanja