Tuesday, September 22, 2020


 If you love mixing in intrigue into your fantasy, eventually you're gonna have to use either one of these or some sort of Rakshasa.

The city Of Götmanland has been protected by the masked hero Bulleteman for a full decade. After a series of increasingly violent murders seems to evade his notice, a group of ex-guards take the things into their own hands, and discover two disturbing secrets. Firstly, Bulleteman is a shapeshifter, who by day takes the form of socialite Brutus Wainus. Secondly, a third "personality" has recently emerged - and unlike the first two, this one does not share memories nor intentions with the collective. Outright execution would solve the city's problem - but maybe finding a cure could be more beneficial in the long run...

The Riversdoom Rascals have been protecting the city and its interest for almost a decade. In the past few months, however, there have been more and more sightings of them engaging in extortion, robbery, and wanton violence. Hoping to put an end to this, they surrender to the city authorities - only to find out that they apparently already did exactly that several hours prior.
The two identical looking groups are put on trial - and the imposters appear to know disturbingly specific details about the group's prior adventures.

Sly the Doppelganger learned a very neat trick - he can take on the appearances of dead, bloody corpses in addition to his normal shapeshifting abilities. As a Bravi noble named Harlas Tinlas, he recruits a mercenary squad to escort him to his "summer holdings" in the city of Dunesdale. However, when the squad opens his carriage on arrival, they their employer seemingly stabbed. Unsurprisingly, they are immediately arrested - and under Dunesdale's laws, this means all their assets are to be seized. Soon enough, a clerk comes to collect - and he comes in wearing lord Tinlas's prized amulet.

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