Friday, September 18, 2020


 Aw, cool, a mobile plant that has some poison associated with it, this will surely be a decent random encounter for my low-level party? WRONG. The dezullon is a level 10, regeneration infused monstrosity with an aura that makes you easier to hit with its bloody amnesia venom. 

The raging reveler is a tavern known for attracting people with flexible morals and wild urges. Indeed, the tavern's elven mistress seems to encourage all manner of hedonistic indulgences. In truth, mistress Ancilla actually preys on the feeble-minded among the bunch - offering them final bliss, and an escape from themselves. Those who take her up on the offer are taken to one of the tavern's many hidden basement rooms, where a dezullon plant destroys their mind. Once broken, they are easy cannon fodder for the Green Scar, the ecoterorrist organization Ancilla works for.

After sailing across two oceans, Knights of Glade Greenest have finally found the goal of their initial quest - the Pitcher of Bacchus. As the first mortals to lay eyes on it, they are surprised it appears to be made out of calcified plant matter - and already filled to the brim with a sweet-smelling nectar. If any of the knights go against the instructions they had been given so many years ago and drink from the chalice, they forget who they are but remember who they once were, breaking the curse cast over them. However, if the pitcher is depleted (and there is enough liquid for but three sips), the ancient dezullon whose body makes up the pitcher decalcifies and attacks.

A dero mastermind has been terrorizing the dwarven undercity of Kalaas. One day, he turns up in the city square - alone, naked, and almost catatonic. Comparing the city guard's notes on his activities with the tidbits of information he can remember in flashes, the dwarven sages realize he has bred a super-dezullon. The plant was apparently mutated so that it rapidly spreads by spores - but before he could start that spread as a relatively controlled process, the mad scientist apparently had his mind blanked. While the city's sages and heroes must go into the unexplored undertunnels and exterminate the plants before an infestation happens, the city's sages and law-givers must decide if and how the dero in his current, almost helpful state should be tried for his past crimes that he does not remember committing.

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