Thursday, January 30, 2020

Annis hag

A single night hag is a problem.
A night hag with a coven though, is a problem you run away from.

I'm not going to go into much detail about what you can do with unlimited 5th level spells and 3 casters - you'll probably be able to come up with several ideas yourself. If you want to be pedantic, though, do note that unlike other hags, the night or iron hags tend to like getting up close and personal, and their cold iron claws can shred most characters into pieces fairly quickly.

The city of Freda is ruled by the Immortal Triumvirate, a coven consisting of two green hags and a mighty night hag. While the High Order of Shimmerstone had previously excommunicated the entire population of the city, the odd glory-seeking paladin was never a match for the Triumvirate. Unfortunately, the Order of the Shimmerstone somehow secured an alliance with the Dark Inquisition - a coven of three Iron Hags who specialize in hunting other hags as well as fae-folk.
When the inquisitors arrive to Freda, they demand that the Triumvirate surrender themselves before nightfall, or the population of the town will be cut down one by one. As the sun sets with the Immortal Triumvirate apparently in hiding, the town once looks to a retired group of adventurers, now running a tavern, and asks for their help one last time.

A mysterious entity known only as "The Corpse Bride" has haunted the Saviours of Gwinshire for months - sending grizzly trophies from many of the locales they visit. The first such trophy was a fresh-cut dwarven hand, bearing the distinct tattoos of the Bearbeard clan, whom the heroes helped only recently. None of the "presents" that arrived afterwards were any less disturbing.
When the group arrives at the Unibrow Unicorn tavern, a letter is waiting for them, and in it, only the addresses of their families and the all-too-familiar signature of the Corpse Bride. Disturbingly, the bartender can't seem to remember the identity of whomever delivered the letter.

The Beaux twins, Simone and Lauren have known that they're changelings for a few years. Despite that, they remain adamant in their duties as Paladins of the Order of the Everblooming Erigeron. They know their call is coming, and as it looms ever closer, they call in an old favour owed to them by a trusted druid associate. The druid and her merry band of outcasts must use any means short of outright lethal force on the Paladins to stop them from falling, and in the worst-case scenario, this might even mean slaying the twins' Annis Hag mother.

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