The aboleth, now called the Alghollthu masters, are back, and boy are they back in style. While their stat block makes it quite easy to use them in direct combat, where it really shines is leading up to it - with a wide array of high-level illusion spells, most of them at will, the abloleth can give the adventurers hell before they even know what they are facing.
The wizard Jack Custard has been keeping a chained Aboleth in a huge pool beneath his tower. He decides to let in his proteges, the crew of the drakar Mother's Mercy in on the secret - his recent expeditions into the ocean have been fueled by the mucus collected from the huge monster, allowing him to breathe underwater.
However, when the jolly pirates see the mighty aberration, it uses its mind magicks to show them how it's been captured and treated by the wizard. It paints a cruel and insensitive picture of their beloved patron, but not implausible - after all, the crew do know him to be very ambitious and power-hungry. Are they really giving a chance to a disgusting monster, or is this the famed deep magick gnawing at their beliefs?
When the incursions of water elementals from the realm of the mysterious Deep King abruptly ceased, the elf-viziers of Al-Khazadia were relieved. However, after several weeks passed, the viziers grew curious, and a detachment of scouts was sent to those ancient lands. What they reported was a land where nothing was as it seems - apparently solid rock bridges disappearing into thin air as soon as someone tried to cross them, innocent children turning into gaunt and fleshy monstrosities, and heaps of treasure reverting back to stones and dirt just as the traps behind them are activated.
The surviving scouts refuse to go back even under threat of death.
Still, the khazadi Sultan will not rest until he has proof that the Deep King has truly been vanquished, so he gathers daredevils and desparates and sends them deep into the heart of madness.
A hunting party set up camp on the shore of Lake Albonga, ignoring the wise elder's warnings. When they wake up, the little patch of land they had cleared for themselves is now a tiny island, and water surrounding them is rising fast, threatening to drown them all. A tentacled monstrosity emerges from the lake, offering to save their lives, if they each promise to grant it a favor with no questions asked.
What the hunters don't know is that while the monster is real, the rising tide is an illusion, and the Aboleth is using it to force them into submission.
The wizard Jack Custard has been keeping a chained Aboleth in a huge pool beneath his tower. He decides to let in his proteges, the crew of the drakar Mother's Mercy in on the secret - his recent expeditions into the ocean have been fueled by the mucus collected from the huge monster, allowing him to breathe underwater.
However, when the jolly pirates see the mighty aberration, it uses its mind magicks to show them how it's been captured and treated by the wizard. It paints a cruel and insensitive picture of their beloved patron, but not implausible - after all, the crew do know him to be very ambitious and power-hungry. Are they really giving a chance to a disgusting monster, or is this the famed deep magick gnawing at their beliefs?
When the incursions of water elementals from the realm of the mysterious Deep King abruptly ceased, the elf-viziers of Al-Khazadia were relieved. However, after several weeks passed, the viziers grew curious, and a detachment of scouts was sent to those ancient lands. What they reported was a land where nothing was as it seems - apparently solid rock bridges disappearing into thin air as soon as someone tried to cross them, innocent children turning into gaunt and fleshy monstrosities, and heaps of treasure reverting back to stones and dirt just as the traps behind them are activated.
The surviving scouts refuse to go back even under threat of death.
Still, the khazadi Sultan will not rest until he has proof that the Deep King has truly been vanquished, so he gathers daredevils and desparates and sends them deep into the heart of madness.
A hunting party set up camp on the shore of Lake Albonga, ignoring the wise elder's warnings. When they wake up, the little patch of land they had cleared for themselves is now a tiny island, and water surrounding them is rising fast, threatening to drown them all. A tentacled monstrosity emerges from the lake, offering to save their lives, if they each promise to grant it a favor with no questions asked.
What the hunters don't know is that while the monster is real, the rising tide is an illusion, and the Aboleth is using it to force them into submission.
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