Thursday, January 23, 2020

Aasimar Redeemer

Our first entry comes with some interesting baggage - aasimars are neither traditionally associated with "evil" acts, nor are they mindless monsters that can be thrown at players as random encounters with little after thought.

While we could hand wave something like that, I'd consider that a lazy and cowardly way out. In the following seeds, we will try to focus on what makes the angelic aasimars tick, while allowing for player character meddling to take its course

Angewyn Goldeye is a respected inquisitor and mage hunter, notorious among those willing to bend magic to their selfish wills for her apparent imperviousness to any spell, charm or ritual directed at her.
However, Angewyn's recent retreat from public life is secretly due to the fact that she mysteriously lost her ability to shrug off spells. She must now place her trust in a group of strangers collected from the citadel-city's underbelly, and hope that they can find a cure before her many enemies find her...

When the Faithful Five are convicted of the misdeeds they know to be the acts of the Hollow Hill Necromancer, an ugly conclusion becomes obvious - the secret identity of their nemesis, that they had been trying to figure out for months, is indeed their patron, Padre Imogen, the fair haired priest of the Holy Hearth.

While all Aasimars can force foes to feel their sins, Sir Jonathan Inferno is on a whole new level. For some reason, he can not only make sinners remember what they had done, but make them burn with pain as they realize the full extent of their actions. Fearing for their well-being, the Dukes of The Seven Isles offer a hefty sum to any adventurers willing to put Sir Jonathan down, as his trail of bodies leads him ever closer to their castles.

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