The animated object "family" of creatures comes with four examples in the bestiary - from the lowly animated broom, to the genre classics animated armor and statue, and finishing off with the giant version of the latter. Of course, the possibility for creating countless others exists within the framework of the game - its a simple matter of using the right ritual.
As opponents, animated objects aren't exactly the type of encounter you'd base your around - they work best as simple obstacles or even mere "set dressing".
The king's new bride kept complaining about how unclean the castle was - and a group of gremlins heard her. While never gentle and always mischievous, the gremlins have lived in the castle for generations, and had a special fondness for the young king. They immediately took a dislike to the new queen. Seeing their opportunity, they stole every single broom in the kingdom, and then promptly animated all of them in the middle of the castle. The King's guests are led on a wild hunt for the tiny tricksters, through the nooks and crannies of the labyrinthine castle, but if they find out the impossibly beautiful queen's dark secret, they may yet side with the gremlins in antagonizing her.
The megalopolis of Petroskin has a huge necromancer problem. To deal with it, the Maple Hill Cemetery uses a large number of animated statues. These statues remain immobile during the day, but as soon as night falls they start patrolling the graveyard. To distinguish the animated and regular statues, the sculptors sculpt their own faces onto the animated ones.
Recently, however, there have been several disappearances among the cemetery staff. What is more, a rumor is starting about a mysterious huge statue starting to appear from time to time. For some reason, unlike the other statues, the huge one appears to have a completely blank and featureless face.
Sir Flavio's school of the highest art of the rapier is a rather prestigious school of fencing. As part of the mind-numbingly expensive deal, after finishing the course, students are given a an animated suit of armor, loaded with the commands for basic fencing practice, with the idea that no real fencer ever stops honing his skills. A week ago, however, a high-profile assassination was pulled off - one of the school's armors was somehow replaced with one with the instruction to murder the student's rich father as soon as it was delivered.
Sir Flavio has reason to believe that the assassins will try again, and inspectors he hired now have a hard task ahead of them - decide which of the ten remaining constructs were planted by the assassins, but preferably do so without damaging any others.
As opponents, animated objects aren't exactly the type of encounter you'd base your around - they work best as simple obstacles or even mere "set dressing".
The king's new bride kept complaining about how unclean the castle was - and a group of gremlins heard her. While never gentle and always mischievous, the gremlins have lived in the castle for generations, and had a special fondness for the young king. They immediately took a dislike to the new queen. Seeing their opportunity, they stole every single broom in the kingdom, and then promptly animated all of them in the middle of the castle. The King's guests are led on a wild hunt for the tiny tricksters, through the nooks and crannies of the labyrinthine castle, but if they find out the impossibly beautiful queen's dark secret, they may yet side with the gremlins in antagonizing her.
The megalopolis of Petroskin has a huge necromancer problem. To deal with it, the Maple Hill Cemetery uses a large number of animated statues. These statues remain immobile during the day, but as soon as night falls they start patrolling the graveyard. To distinguish the animated and regular statues, the sculptors sculpt their own faces onto the animated ones.
Recently, however, there have been several disappearances among the cemetery staff. What is more, a rumor is starting about a mysterious huge statue starting to appear from time to time. For some reason, unlike the other statues, the huge one appears to have a completely blank and featureless face.
Sir Flavio's school of the highest art of the rapier is a rather prestigious school of fencing. As part of the mind-numbingly expensive deal, after finishing the course, students are given a an animated suit of armor, loaded with the commands for basic fencing practice, with the idea that no real fencer ever stops honing his skills. A week ago, however, a high-profile assassination was pulled off - one of the school's armors was somehow replaced with one with the instruction to murder the student's rich father as soon as it was delivered.
Sir Flavio has reason to believe that the assassins will try again, and inspectors he hired now have a hard task ahead of them - decide which of the ten remaining constructs were planted by the assassins, but preferably do so without damaging any others.
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