Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Gibbering mouther

Despite their countless mouths, it is nearly beyond a Gibbering Mouther's capability to form a comprehensive sentence. A soggy mound of flesh pierced through with eyes and maws, this incomprehensible creature is indeed a sight to behold, albeit not the nicest one.

Origins of gibbering mouthers remain shrouded in abject mystery, perhaps for the best. They are not completely mindless, though their true desires or purpose is anyone's guess. In spite of any inclination as to how these monstrosities reproduce, it remains a fact that they are omnipresent in all sorts of dungeons and underground complexes.

On its own a gibbering mouther may not appear to be a considerable threat, especially considering their lack of mobility. It makes up for this shortcoming with some wonderful abilities. The signature ability Gibbering spreads confusion among those that stray too close. Reactive Gnaws can deal considerable extra damage to close quarters combatants while Burn Eyes is an added benefit to the signature ranged attack that can really ruin someone's day. That's all fine and dandy, but let's suppose you add some other beastie to the mix, one that takes advantage of the mouther's aura. Now the battle becomes far more interesting. Because of its low speed, the gibbering mouther may as well (on land at least) serve as an immobile, though dangerous, piece of terrain that harasses your party. Or, if you're feeling especially funky, the entire terrain.

When running a gibbering mouther (or perhaps a few) take note that it is best suited to short bursts of comparatively quick speed, as Engulf can serve as both a tool for movement and an attack all wrapped up in two actions.

Hook 1 (Max) - The Gibbering One

People in need tend to turn to any source of hope they can find. Such is the case with people of Biada, a small mountainside village that has been struggling just to get by for generations. Recently something outstanding has happened; the deity of their shrine (arguably a bastardization of some major cult) has spoken. The populace of Biada took this as a sign of good fortune to come even thought they can't really understand the words their god is uttering, nor are they aware of the vast array of caves and natural tunnels beneath their village.

Hook 2 (Nemanja) - Mouth of Madness

On each of the four tallest peaks in the world of Veyleya there is a solitary gibbering mouther. While erratic and violent, the aberrations are not evil. Should anyone find a way to calm one down, the creatures will switch from the cacophonous gibberish they usually spout to monotonously and menacingly repeating a single word.

Certain books written by mad prophets of eons past claim that these four words, in the correct order, make up the incantation needed to close the Pulsating Portal at the Bottom of the World which would in turn stop the invading shoggoths and save humanity.

Hook 3 (Reece) - The Primordial Enemy

At the first sunrise, when mankind was first taking its tentative steps from the safety of The Divine Garden, the untamed wilds of the world help primordial dangers of immeasurable power. It is said in The First Song that aberrant creatures antithetical to all of life and creation crafted monstrosities to prey on mortal kind. These varied peoples were, in the eyes of these progenitors of chaos, invaders of the worst kind; creatures that sought to bring order to the wilds the aberrations lorded over.

The gibbering mouther was first among these aberrant creations sent to destroy humanity. They were served as some of the very first soldiers of chaos sent to sew madness and despair across budding civilizations as they took the eyes of watchful sentries and turned the first scholars into incoherent sycophants enslaved to the service of The Outsiders.

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