Friday, May 21, 2021

Ghaele (Crusader Azata)

Ghaeles occupy a weird thematic niche because they are both knights and azatas. On one hand, their knightly demeanor means they are rather likely to join forces with the players against the forces of evil. On the other, their chaotic outsider nature means they are as fickle as fey and their motivations may seem erratic, which can often conflict their mortal, more grounded allies' goals.

In combat, a ghaele's gimmick is essentially "making one specific dude's life living hell", adapting to their enemies weaknesses on the fly and specializing in both dishing out extra and taking less damage all at once. Notably, it has some powerful spells (Chromatic Wall) which it can use in tandem with its Free Blade ability to lay down some control without necessarily hampering its offensive abilities. The innate fly speed in combination with other utility can make the ghaele a powerful ally or adversary, depending on its whims.

Hook 1 (Nemanja) - Down with Tyranny

The current uprising against the tyrannical Emperor Exewald, led by a dozen or so dukes who were brave (or foolish) enough to stand up to the deranged monarch, is going well. A big part of the rebels success is due in part to one man only - a mysterious knight wearing green and silver armour who seemingly appeared out of nowhere at the outset of the conflict.

Unfortunately, when the pragmatic council of dukes starts negotiating vassalage to a foreign ruler, the strict but just King Ladislaus, the Knight and his elite allies somehow catch wind. Dropping their disguise as mere humans, they go on an indiscriminate rampage against any and all landed men of the area in the name of "freedom".

Hook 2 (Max) - Brave Ser Claydon

The tiefling of the party is experiencing some unexplained anxiety, as if they are being watched. Days go by and they start seeing a figure in beautiful plate armor in the distance, though no one else seems to spot the stalker. This may go on for an extended period of time; visions soon accompanied by nightmares of the misdeeds done by the tiefling's fiendish progenitor, writings on the walls spelling impending punishment, driving the character to be more and more unsettled. This comes to a head when they are alone and suddenly attacked by brave Ser Claydon, the fae knight. Ser Claydon states that he enacts judgement upon the "vile fiend" he has been tracking to prevent any devilish schemes it may develop.

Hook 3 (TJ) - The Cerulean Pass

The Cerulean Pass was the most scenic byway from Rendford to Kurst. After Rendford fell to the fiendish hordes, the road has fallen into disrepair; opportunists and slavers willing to treat with the demonic entities now holding Rendford have taken the Pass as their own. Escapees have begun returning to Kurst recently, speaking of a knight from nowhere freeing them from their captors. Each captive he frees tells the same story: immediately after being saved, the knight began asking them pointed questions about the current state of Rendford and a fiend he named as Oxblood Regent before sending them on their way.

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