Saturday, May 15, 2021

Frost Giant

Frost Giants, like their other giant kin, are just- Really large people.

Sort of.

Generally, they're portrayed as large, tribal, and often barbaric peoples who serve as a Viking or Nord stand-in. This, in my opinion, doesn't do them justice. The most notable thing about the Frost Giant is how many of it skills and abilities can be activated with just a single action. This design choice could lead to some of the most dangerous encounters you could make. Why? **Because any creature can Ready a single action as a two-action activity.** These are intelligent creatures, you should run them as such.

A group of frost giants stumbling across travelling, frost-bitten players could easily make short work of them. Use their plethora of single-action activities to turn the battlefield into a living (icy) hell for your players:

  • A player goes to move and ends up adjacent to an ally? That triggers the **ONE ACTION, 15 FOOT CONE** Chill Breath one of the Giants had Readied.
  • Try to move away from an ally? That triggers the Throw Rock another giant had saved for just this moment.
  • All bunched up or have the giant surrounded? Guess who has a Wide Swing action all Ready to go?

Frost Giants are an opportunity to give your players a chilling reminder that some things are more prepared to take them out than others.

Hook 1 (Nemanja) - The River Beyond The Wall
Should anyone somehow evade or defeat the dozens of frost drakes that guard the ascent to the Land Beyond The Wall, they will find a tribe of unusually civilized Frost Giants. The citizens of this great society all talk in riddles and wear ridiculously long fur togas. Outsiders are taken to lavish feasts and festivities and treated with amicability. Should the outsiders try following the massive river that is born at the very base of the wall, the giants change disposition completely, becoming sadistically violent in an instant.

Hook 2 (Max) - The Cripple
The Cripple, despite his crass moniker provided by the locals, is a fearsome and famed mercenary in these lands. He takes on the most dangerous and lucrative contracts, hoping to gather power and experience to defeat the giant who long ago robbed him of his arm and eye, reclaiming his birthright as the clan leader.

His years on the road have taught him a thing or two. Fighting dirty and pressing any advantage you might posses are things you learn living the mercenary's life. Hence, he's always prepared with a plethora of useful tools, traps and gadgets at his disposal.

Hook 3 (Reece) - The Mithral Lands
The Frostguard Giant Clan and The Dwarven Mithral Mining Co. have been at odds for nearly a hundred years. Skirmishes with The Company in addition to fouling water and dying wildlife have greatly reduced the clan's numbers. Desparate, a single druid among the clan breaks tradition and seeks aid from outsiders. An agreement seems impossible given the incompatibility between the march of progress and the old ways. Helping the giants take back their tundra seems a mortal duty to some; though those who want to help are not only putting themselves at odds with The Company, but all those who rely on them for profit.

And Power. 

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