Friday, February 21, 2020


So, basically, the boar comes in two variants - the regular old eurasian boar, and the slightly beefed up daeodon. Now, i tend to like most of the bestiary artwork, i really do... but the boar but its even more boary than a boar art really doesn't do justice to a daeodon. Seriously, do yourself a favour, and go google how that thing looks like, and then come back and read this.

The saviours of Soldier's hill have managed to reconcile the orks and the hobbits of the region, even founding a multi-racial settlement. As one of the saviours' firstborn's birthday comes, the ork shaman asks if a pet would be a worthy present. The hero accepts, expecting a puppy, or maybe one of the raptor birds the orks use in hunting. Alas, what arrives is a daeodon piglet, already voracious and larger than a small child.

The kings has made a proclamation: no civilian can own a scroll of fireball, unless explicitly given permission by the king himself. The self-proclaimed leader of the serfs, old Wilbur McNabeth, comes into the capital, preaching to the masses about how he needs those scrolls to keep his children safe. "A question do i have for ye, those who owneth land beyonde the cittie walles. How doth one slay three to four dozen wilde boars within a twentieth of the bell, if those boars do cometh while one's little ones be out working the fields?"
The king says "arrest him", but some of the guards agree with the old man, and of course, his followers might be carrying scrolls as well, so chaos is bound to erupt. It is the seregant of the city's guard unlucky day, as he is rushed into making a decision.

When old man Wilbur was jailed, the boar population in the countryside has exploded. As he stubbornly refuses the king's offer of amnesty, the monarch looks for a group of heroes willing to face herds consisting of literally hundreds of the beasts.


  1. I like that little political jab in the second one

    1. to be perfectly honest, i treated it more as a reference to the whole twitter storyline and less as a political jab - not being american, the whole gun rights debate isn't exactly the biggest topic in my life.
