Saturday, February 15, 2020


What kind of bear is best?

In pathfinder 2 terms, the answer is really easy - its the cave bear, having the exact same stat block as a grizzly just slightly numerically beefed up. Given that there's no difference to how you can utilize on or the other, in the following three entries i will use bear as a generic term, and if you do decide to use one of the encounters presented, you can just choose the appropriately leveled one.
Deep within the Ääkwood there's an ancient oak whose sap has mystical properties. Unfortunately, Lizardfolk of the surrounding villages aren't the only ones that have taken a liking to it - the clearing surrounding the massive tree is almost always littered with sleeping bears, on whom the sap has a torporific effect. While most folk petitioning the lizardfolk shaman and thus needing some of the sap choose to sneak around the bears, others have at times tried to restrain the bears, lure them away, or even engage them in direct combat.

A hunting party chasing after a leprechaun that has taunted them for weeks ends up in the Faewild. While everything is slightly off and nothing is just quite as it seems, the biggest shock is their encounter with the famed bearbearbear, the mythical monster that is half bear, half bear, and half bear.

To avenge a fallen comrade, an elf rogue goes hunting for a great bear and slays it. Tomorrow morning, he finds out he has awoken in a bear's body, separated from the rest of his companions. After several misadventures and learning how to be a bear, he encounters the bear god, who tells him of a way to regain his original form, by conducting ritual on the top of a great mountain.
However, once he arrives there, he finds his original band, who confuse him for the bear he slew, and attack him on sight.


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