As the ruling caste of the Proteans, Keketars embody the virtues of chaos. These serpentine, dragon-like beasts adjudicate quarrels and disputes among their kin, not without a degree of volatility, a trait greatly respected in Protean society.
Okay, this is nice. But what do they do? Turns out, quite a lot.
To start with its passives, Protean Anatomy grants them a neat resistance to damage along with immunity to being polymorphed (which I find ironic). Spatial Riptide is a good way to give the creature some innate crowd control (highly situational, though. Stick with the benefits of Reshape Reality.) The keketar boasts considerable speed in almost all departments, which—combined with constant freedom of movement—makes it a very mobile contender.
Its melee attacks deal ample damage, all of them having reach ranging from 10 to 15 ft. (which is important when you consider that the Keketar also has the coveted Attack of Opportunity reaction). Its Strikes also apply either grab or warpwave strike, which adds a dash of unpredictability to this creature of chaos. It also has a plethora of spells at its disposal. Its spells generally work well to change either the status of the combatants or the battlefield itself. One to take a special note of is hallucinatory terrain. This meshes with its Reshape Reality ability, making the illusion have actual substance. Lastly, its Change Shape action allows to take on the appearance of any Huge or smaller creature, allowing for Keketar to potentially pose as another being, should it find it necessary.
Hook 1 (Max) - The Guardian of Greyfjord
The desperate soul often seeks refuge in deference to a higher power. And just as often the higher power is willing and ready to exploit it.
Greyfjord had seen better days, as the crops and stock died out over the last couple seasons, nearly bringing the town to utter ruin. As it is, it remains a shadow of its former self.
Dragons are seldom seen in these parts. These majestic reptile are associated with good fortune in their tradition, and as such the locals were overjoyed to have heard of recent sightings. The beast, quite intelligent and cunning, quickly took to its role as Greyfjord's protector and patron deity, giving advice and favors in exchange for... extravagant tributes, ranging from fair maidens to hand-made jewelry.
The fact that it is not a dragon at all seems to be of little importance to everyone involved.
Hook 2 (Nemanja) - The Voice of Change
A keketar, one of the High Priests of Chaos known as the Voice of Change, has decided that time has been moving in one direction for far too long. It has started a multi-planar rebellion in order to change that.
Both Heaven and Hell are on a desperate recruitment spree, and an experienced group of heroes find themselves working alongside their longtime rivals. Of course, should they help the keketar, the rivalry—born of a misguided arrow and a painful death—might be erased in time...
Hook 3 (TJ) - The Coming Chaos
The oligarchy of Centerpointe is meticulously organized. Every building is properly in its row, not a stone is out of place. The lives of the inhabitants are monitored just as closely. Every motion, interaction, and event is recorded. As long as it is within allowable parameters, residents are left relatively unbothered. Any deviation from the prescribed order, however, is met with swift retribution.
Those that are cast out are quickly contacted by an entity known only as The Coming Chaos. Speaking in half-rhymes and scrambled thoughts, The Coming Chaos, a large, serpentine, constantly shifting beast, has begun laying out a plan to undo the chokehold of order that the governing powers of Centerpointe have over their citizens and it is anything but predictable.
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