Monday, August 2, 2021


When I think of Genies, it's hard to not envision Robin Williams' performance in Aladdin—a product of my age group, perhaps. It's worth noting that genies in the traditional (and Pathfinder) sense are beings of elemental power, and the Marid is reflective of that.

The marid has a lot of thematic and powerful spells in addition to a change shape ability that can be helpful for roleplay elements (ha). Between Rush of Water and a few other powerful melee abilities, the Marid is a powerful combatant and an interesting counterpart as far as elementals go. Think about how your players may encounter an elemental, and what circumstances might lead one to ally or be pitted against one. A marid could even make a compelling not-quite-evil villain in a gray-morality game, or one where society is at odds with the forces of nature.

Whatever the case, take a look at the marid and consider it an opportunity for both worldbuilding as something to use when you need to subvert some expectations about what exactly an elemental is.

- Reece

Hook 1 (Nemanja) - Mostly Unconditional

A Marid Shanzada is throwing a massive, seven-day feast on his private island, and inviting what seems to be anyone who has ever owed him a favour, which amounts to a lot of people. The highlight of the feast will be a three-day storytelling contest, to be judged by the Shanzada themself and rewarded by an unconditional wish. However, any stories that involve an Efreet or a demon of Hel in a non-adversarial role will throw the host into a rage, endangering all the guests...

Hook 2 (Reece) - The Sanctum of the Sea Festival

Far to the north, the coastal town of Tir Dor has developed a strange relationship with the local denizens of the sea. Though some consider them heretical, the people there note that their offerings and festivals do not prevent any from practicing their own beliefs.

Due to some strange confluence of magics, the town is surrounded by seawater that is incredibly "close" to the Elemental Plane of Water. Storms along the coastline there can be devastating, though Tir Dor has found a way to prevent being wiped off the map. Before each storm season, a festival is held for an entire week. The townsfolk sing, dance, create art, and tell stories of days past. Each year, water elementals rise from the sea and partake in the festivities, dancing with the townsfolk and partaking in the storytelling. The powerful Marid use this festival to bless the town, saving it from the ravaging storms.

This year, when an inquisitor comes to investigate if the town's festival is a threat to The Empire, tensions are high between the town and the representatives from the highly structured imperial officials...

Hook 3 (Max) - Baywatch

No ship has been able to leave or enter the Merchant's Bay in over a month which, as one might suspect, has had disastrous results on the local economy. Local and not only authorities have chimed in for a hefty reward for anyone able to resolve the issue.

The waters of the bay have become hostile, tidal waves crashing any vessel into splinters. Some hypothesize that this is gods' punishment, or perhaps that some hex was put upon the city by some malicious force. Truth, however, is a little more complicated than that.

The spirit that looks over the bay has had enough of it being constantly polluted by the mortal beings that travel upon it and decided to make the journey impossible. It resides in the middle of the maelstrom that covers the entire area, should anyone make it there to try and plead with the angered being.

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