Can i just say how much i appreciate everything about this angry little dude's design? He has enough going for him to be solid nightmare fuel if the GM desires to go that route, but he also looks... kinda cute? And the multiple eyes and weird proportions make it pretty clear that we're not in Middle Earth any more, this is weird fantasy territory and bless it for being so.
A shepherd's daughter has been going on about a lizard that speaks to her for weeks, but everyone ignored her. When a passing knight jokingly asks to see the lizard, the child puts it in his armored palm. Immediately, the lizard changes form into that of a little bulb of eyes and teeth, and offers the knight the soul of a virgin queen in exchange for its life.
A cunning cacodaemon has a new favourite strategy to gain souls - he appears before unsuspecting travelers, and threatens to call forth his master, an old and sadistic crucidaemon, unless the travelers are willing to trade one soul - be it one of theirs or otherwise acquired - for their freedom.
Those who see through the ruse, though, realize that the little fiend is working alone, and poses no real threat to experienced adventurers.
Salazar Salienza is a masterful tiefling assassin, always trailed by a cacodaemon he made a pact with long ago. The daemon gets to do whatever he wants to with the soul gems created from the many, many targets of hismaster partner's skills, and in exchange is expected to act as a scout, as well as a scholar of the planes if the need arises. If encountered together, Salazar is likely to apply a dose of hunting spider venom onto the daemon's teeth, making the little thing even more of a nuisance, while the assassin himself moves towards the least armored opponents he sees.
A shepherd's daughter has been going on about a lizard that speaks to her for weeks, but everyone ignored her. When a passing knight jokingly asks to see the lizard, the child puts it in his armored palm. Immediately, the lizard changes form into that of a little bulb of eyes and teeth, and offers the knight the soul of a virgin queen in exchange for its life.
A cunning cacodaemon has a new favourite strategy to gain souls - he appears before unsuspecting travelers, and threatens to call forth his master, an old and sadistic crucidaemon, unless the travelers are willing to trade one soul - be it one of theirs or otherwise acquired - for their freedom.
Those who see through the ruse, though, realize that the little fiend is working alone, and poses no real threat to experienced adventurers.
Salazar Salienza is a masterful tiefling assassin, always trailed by a cacodaemon he made a pact with long ago. The daemon gets to do whatever he wants to with the soul gems created from the many, many targets of his
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